Mirroring HTML components

Okay, let's take a look at something that's been bothering me for a bit. As I assume that I have mentioned at this point in the workshop, I have some issues with some of the defaults for a lot of the DOM. And, like thse have mostly been example applications. Usually, there are a lot of abstractions that I end up making for myself in larger applications.

But—as much as I might complain—there is a lot of functionality-baked into these time-tested elements and I'd still like to take advantage of that. Now, in JavaScript land, I can just use something like {...props} to pass through my props to an underlying HTML element. The problem is that TypeScript isn't really aware of what I'm doing—yet.

Let's take a look at my labeled input component in my color palette application. It's hanging out in src/components/shared/labeled-input.tsx for those of you keeping track at home.

We only need to look at the type to see what my issue is.

type LabeledInputProps = {
  id?: string;
  label: string;
  value: string | number;
  type?: string;
  className?: string;
  onChange?: ChangeEventHandler<HTMLInputElement>;

Other than label, which I'm passing to the—umm—label that I often want grouped with my inputs, I'm just manually passing props through one by one. And it's tedious. Do I want to add autofocus? Better add another prop. I'd much prefer to do something like this:

const LabeledInput = ({ label, ...props }: LabeledInputProps) => {
  const id = useId() + props.id;

  return (
      <label htmlFor={id}>{label}</label>
        className={clsx('w-full', props.className)}

I'll pull out the things that I need to work with and then just pass everything else on through to the <input /> component and then just pretend for the rest of my days that it's a regular ol' HTMLInputElement that and live through the rest of my days.

And out of the box, TypeScript doesn't really care since HTMLElement is pretty flexible. The DOM does pre-date this whole TypeScript thing, you know. It only complains if I toss something completely egregious in there.

But, I can't use any of those properties.

<LabeledInput label="H" type="number" value={h} readOnly />

Even in a best case scenario, I don't get any auto-complete or anything. What I want is for TypeScript to give me all of the goodness that I would get with a normal input.

Combining with the types of an HTML element

So, TypeScript wants me to be explicit. Fine, I'll be explicit about the fact that I want my custom stuff plus everything that a particular HTML element has.

type LabeledInputProps = ComponentPropsWithoutRef<'input'> & {
  label: string;

Now, it all works and I get auto complete. As far as TypeScript is concerned, this is basically an <input /> field, but it automatically wires up the label as appropriate.

We can also look at how it might work on a button.